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Celebrate “Data Education Month” With Our Data Governance Course


DATAVERSITY recently declared March as Data Education Month. We also support the idea of giving data management professionals access to educational tools, training and content. That’s why we’re featuring the Data Governance training course we created with DATAVERSITY — and offering a 25% discount when you purchase it this month.

The seven-module Data Governance Learning Plan training course is comprehensive with video modules that cover: getting started governing data; creating a Data Governance (DG) operating model; roles and responsibilities (e.g., data stewards); policies and best practices; and DG and its relationship to other data management activities..

Here’s why you should consider registering for our DG course:

  • The material will help you grow your understanding of key data management functions and governance’s important role.
  • First San Francisco founder and CEO Kelle O’Neal, a veteran DG consultant and industry speaker and trainer, leads the course.
  • It’s self-paced and available online, which means you can work on it from anywhere and take as little or as long as you need to complete it.

FSFP Data Governance Managed Service

Training Course Discount(s)

We hope you take advantage of the course and register by month-end for the 25% discount (use code FSFPedu). Questions? Contact us.

Keep up to date on with future DATAVERSITY partnerships, including our monthly Data Analytics webinar series. Stay connected.

March is Data Education Month at DATAVERSITY - 25% off courses