Metadata Management

Metadata Management Consultants

It's the key to cataloging, classifying and tracing data — and data lineage — across the information supply chain.

Metadata isn’t simply “data about the data.” It’s the foundation of data literacy and the frame of reference for which context and meaning is applied to make it easier to find, trust, understand and leverage enterprise data. Metadata is also a critical component of many data initiatives, including data governance and data quality.

You likely know your organization’s metadata challenges, even if you never defined the problems that way before. Getting a better grasp on your business, technical and operational metadata can facilitate the management and use of high-value data assets that are clearly defined, managed, integrated, governed, shared and linked to high-priority business objectives.

computer file management

Without metadata management, data and analytics programs struggle to contextualize information assets, limiting decision-making capabilities and business outcomes. Solid metadata strategy and management capabilities will provide a comprehensive view of your company’s data. This begins with the ability to find, track, organize and understand all available data — whether structured or unstructured.

First San Francisco Partners’ (FSFP) senior consultants have decades of experience aligning metadata management with business initiatives and strategic programs.

FSFP can help your business effectively:

  • Identify the scope, accountability and prioritization of metadata for providing maximum business value
  • Establish consistency and standardization of data definitions, classifications and taxonomies
  • Evaluate and implement an automated data management tool to connect to and collect technical metadata in a central repository
  • Mitigate risk and increase regulatory compliance by providing a holistic picture of enterprise-wide data
  • Improve the traceability, lineage and understanding of data assets by mapping your information supply chain
  • Increase productivity, efficiency and accuracy of data usage by implementing processes to create, share and sustain metadata content

Harvest the Value of Your Metadata

FSFP’s consultants have decades of experience enabling clients to develop effective metadata strategies and management capabilities aligned with business initiatives to deliver a complete view of organizational data.

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