Cultural anthropologist, author and speaker Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Now, a small group of leaders from the information management industry — including First San Francisco Partners’ CEO and Founder Kelle O’Neal and our President and Chief Delivery Officer John Ladley — have joined together to craft and champion The Leader’s Data Manifesto.
The Leader’s Data Manifesto debuted at Enterprise Data World (EDW) 2017 as a call to action for the C-suite and anyone who cares about the integrity of data and is concerned by factors that erode it; for example:
- Lack of awareness. Despite recognizing data’s value and vast potential benefits, many organizations say their information assets are not managed as well as they could or should be.
- Lack of business governance. Broadly speaking, few companies are measuring information quality nor the critical roles and responsibilities that support it.
- Difficulty in justification. Organizations are challenged to effectively communicate the benefits of improved information asset management, which affects related initiatives and improvements.
- Lack of leadership and management. Without senior leaders’ active involvement, information management suffers because there is frequently no supporting vision, strategy, policy, etc.
- Inappropriate or ineffective instruments. It’s difficult to value information as an asset, and information management’s language and tools are poorly understood throughout organizations.
Since its EDW launch, hundreds of professionals world-wide have read and signed the manifesto after reading DATAVERSITY’S story, The Leader’s Data Manifesto Debuts: Making Data as an Asset Everyone’s Business, or TDAN’s recent Data Manifesto Interview.
Read, Sign and Discuss The Leader’s Data Manifesto
With a respectful nod to Ms. Mead, we ask you to join Kelle, John and the passionate and growing group of thoughtful, committed data citizens interested in changing the world’s data.