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CDO Vision Webinar Recap: Big Data Strategies


Where can you regularly meet up with data management professionals from around the world? On DATAVERSITY’s monthly CDO Vision Webinar, the first Thursday of each month!

When you join First San Francisco Partners speakers Kelle O’Neal and John Ladley, you’ll listen in on a variety of data management topics, like data governance, big data, business alignment and data architecture. They’re joined by webinar host and DATAVERSITY Executive Editor Shannon Kempe and, occasionally, guest presenters like “recovering Chief Data Officer” John Bottega, formerly with Citigroup and Bank of America.

With Q&A at the end of each webinar, you have the opportunity to ask questions of the presenters. During these calls, we’re on Twitter sharing tweet-sized sound bites from the call, along with others who tag their tweets #CDOVision.

DATAERSITY's monthly CDO Vision webinar with FSFPOur August webinar, Big Data Strategies: Organizational Structure and Technologies, took a practical look at the state of advanced analytics and big data.

Here are a highlights from the call, and you can view the slides and listen to the full replay here:

  • Kelle shared a fun fact that big data is so mainstream now, it’s also the name of a band.
  • Big data — despite its all-encompassing name — is just one of many critical capability in the world of enterprise information management (EIM).
  • Though the term’s been around for years now, big data hype hasn’t slowed down. Data management professionals and senior leaders are still paying attention to it — and that offers organizations many opportunities. (Editor’s note: Some 258,000 pages show up in search results for “big data.”)
  • Big data technologies are evolving and include both “old” solutions, like Hadoop, and newer options, like Spark. It’s a huge landscape, and to prove the point John shared this great visual from Matt Turck at FirstMark.
  • If you’re going to be focused on big data and be data-driven, you need to “walk the data talk,” — e.g., have the right operating framework and involve business stakeholders who seek insights from the data, rather than making decisions based on gut instinct.
  • Alignment between a company’s traditional data organization and its newer big data areas requires trust and understanding.
  • You can’t just “do” big data, you need to have a purpose behind it.

DATAVERSITY's CDO Vision webinar, the first Thursday of each month, features @kellezoneal and @jladley.Click To Tweet

DATAVERSITY’s upcoming webinars calendar shows you what’s in store next and where to register. We hope you join the next call with Kelle and John.

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