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Data Governance

Key Takeaways from the Data Governance & Information Quality Conference

By Dave McDermott

The Data Governance & Information Quality (DGIQ) Conference is the world’s most comprehensive event dedicated to Data Governance and Information Quality. DGIQ always offers valuable industry perspectives. This year was no exception. You don’t want to miss these key takeaways on data literacy from my DGIQ experience.

Data has become a critical driver of success in the modern business landscape. As organizations strive to treat “data as an asset,” data literacy, or acumen, has become essential. John Ladley’s “Data Acumen” session offered insight into what leaders need to know about data. Ladley says the conventional focus on technical skills does not prepare leaders to make effective decisions. Instead, he proposes that leaders focus on three key areas: understanding data context, embracing data governance, and recognizing the ethical implications of data usage.

Understanding Data Context

Leaders must clearly understand the context in which data operates within their organization. This involves asking critical questions about the data sources, quality and fitment for use as it aligns with organizational goals. Leaders must grasp the underlying business processes that data supports to avoid the negative consequences of misusing data. They must also make informed decisions based on a holistic understanding. By recognizing the limitations and biases inherent in data, leaders can avoid making erroneous judgments and misinterpreting results. Comprehensive knowledge of the data context empowers leaders to identify opportunities and potential risks associated with data-driven decision-making.

Embracing Data Governance

According to Ladley, data governance is a fundamental area that leaders must prioritize. Leaders should know the processes, policies, and practices involved in managing data effectively. By championing data governance initiatives, leaders can ensure data accuracy, security and compliance. They must establish clear roles and responsibilities for data management, promote data quality standards, and implement data lineage and traceability mechanisms. Leaders create a culture that values data integrity and reliability by recognizing data as a strategic asset and investing in its governance. A robust data governance framework ensures data-driven decisions are based on trustworthy information and minimizes data misuse.

Recognizing Data Usage’s Ethical Implications

As data privacy, ethics and compliance have reached the forefront of data usage, data users must have a firm grasp of the ethical implications of data usage. Transparent and accountable data practices should guide decision-making. Users should know relevant regulations and frameworks (i.e., data privacy regulations and industry guidelines) to ensure compliance and safeguard stakeholders’ interests. Moreover, leadership should foster a culture of ethical data usage by advocating for responsible practices throughout the data lifecycle. Integrating ethical considerations into decision-making can build trust with stakeholders, contributing to a more accountable and sustainable data-driven ecosystem.

Why Is This Important for FSFP Clients?

For FSFP, this concept of data acumen holds profound implications for interactions with clients. By adopting a perspective transcending technical proficiency, we provide unique value. Understanding the data context within our clients’ organizations enables us to offer tailored solutions while embracing data governance principles, ensuring reliability and compliance. We can also guide clients towards responsible practices by recognizing the ethical dimensions of data usage, building trust, and contributing to their sustained success.

As a result of an ever-evolving data landscape, we can help leaders embrace the broader perspective of data literacy to empower them to drive their organizations forward and leverage data to its fullest potential.