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Meet Stephanie Paradis, Senior Data Governance Consultant


Get to know Senior Data Governance Consultant, Stephanie Paradis, in our Meet the Team article.

Stephanie brings high-level strategic governance skills to FSFP with her expertise in metadata management and Collibra Ranger certification. We enjoyed learning more about Stephanie and think you’ll enjoy getting to know her, too.

Can you explain your role and focus at FSFP?

Stephanie Paradis, Senior Data Governance Consultant for FSFP

My general role as a Senior Data Governance Consultant is to provide subject matter expertise for data governance-related projects, such as establishing data governance frameworks, developing policies and processes necessary to implement those frameworks, and helping organizations develop suitable operating models to operationalize these processes and standards.

My specialty is metadata management, and I am a certified Collibra Ranger. I take on different roles depending on the project and what is needed. My roles vary from analyst to lead to engagement management responsibilities.

What do you enjoy most about what you do at FSFP?

Building relationships with clients can be incredibly rewarding. Although it doesn’t always happen, getting to know clients personally really transforms a project. Things click when we establish a rapport. It opens the door for deeper communication and idea exchange. Watching clients progress towards owning what they’ve created is my favorite part about being on the team.

What’s the most valuable career advice you have ever received and often give to others?

An old colleague once shared a motto with me that has become a guiding principle in my life. He said, “Keep pushing until you get your hand slapped.” In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving world, remote work has become the norm, and everyone has multiple priorities. I can’t always rely on others to guide me. There have been times when I needed to upskill myself. It’s easy to get stuck by constantly questioning whether something is the right next step or seeking validation. I believe I am an asset if I act in good faith and work towards the project or company’s goals and values. That’s the most impactful advice I have received, enabling me to succeed at work and personally.

Which of the FIRST values (focus, integrity, resourcefulness, skillfulness, teamwork) resonates with you most, and why?

Integrity is the foundation of all values. Although I’m a natural introvert, leading a project or working as an analyst in front of a client emboldens me to be confident. I approach every engagement, knowing that integrity supports and guides me and ensures we all work toward a common goal. If I’m not an expert in every aspect of the project, I have a team to support me. We collaborate to improve the overall project outcome. For me, integrity is fundamental because it breathes life into all other values.

If you could work remotely anywhere, where would it be?

I would love to live in a village in the English countryside, close enough to walk into town and pop into the village pub. The countryside is also outside your doorstep, so you can embark on an unexpected adventure and walk the entire country.

What part of working at home do you find most enjoyable? Conversely, what do you find most challenging?

That’s easy! My cat! I find him the most enjoyable aspect, and he is also the solution to the most challenging aspect, which is sometimes being a little lonely. Being alone can be difficult when working remotely, particularly in the dead of winter. Even though I’m face-to-face on Zoom calls most of the day, it’s different from having someone here with me. I love animals, so having him around really lightens my atmosphere. I love having the flexibility to bring my work with me so I can spend extended time visiting my family.

Can you tell me about a movie or TV show you love watching or binge-watching?

I’m not a TV person, but I absolutely love reading. I’m particularly interested in dark and middle ages Britain (just don’t ask me to remember anything too specific – it’s so complicated!). I discovered my fascination with history after college. Learning about the world and seeing how seemingly isolated events are connected is fascinating. History is a continuum of events where one influences and shapes the other. Reading about different periods, people and areas of the world has been so enriching.

What is the top issue many of FSFP’s clients face today, and how do you help solve it?

It all boils down to our FIRST values. Focus is crucial in today’s business landscape, where companies are expected to achieve more with fewer resources. The stakes are constantly being raised, with increasing regulations and market volatility. In addition, AI raises massively complicated questions about responsible usage and regulatory compliance. At FSFP, we specialize in helping teams focus. We help them identify specific challenges, set success parameters, and break them down into manageable, measurable parts. We enable organizations to define obstacles and find solutions. We then build the strategic framework and tactical solutions to support the strategy. Regardless of an organization’s challenges, this is the value we deliver.

We hope you enjoyed the latest installment in our Meet the Team series. Check out our other interviews to learn more about the people who make FSFP tick.

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