Meet the FSFP Team

Meet Victoria Markley, Senior Data Consultant


Get to know FSFP Senior Data Consultant, Victoria Markley, in our Meet the Team article.

Victoria’s expertise in business and technology makes her an invaluable asset to our team and clients. And her enthusiastic energy and cheerful personality make her a delight to work with. We are confident that you will enjoy getting to know Victoria better.

Can you explain your role and focus at FSFP?

Victoria Markley, Senior Data Consultant for FSFP

I have been working with FSFP for nearly two years. I am versatile and adapt to various roles. My expertise lies in my technological background and my ability to understand the company’s business aspects. This prior experience enables me to communicate effectively with technologists and business professionals to come up with solutions that work for both parties.

I assist with data-related tasks, including data quality, master data management, policies, process procedures and modeling. I also have extensive knowledge of various technologies, having previously worked as an implementer for e-commerce platforms. I understand how these technologies use data and their limitations around it.

What do you enjoy most about what you do at FSFP?

The variety of work I get to do is what I love the most. I enjoy identifying problems and coming up with solutions to improve things for our clients. The varied work offers an excellent opportunity to educate clients and show them how much better business can be. It’s incredibly satisfying when clients have that “aha” moment and understand the value of what we’re doing. That’s what I love the most.

What’s the most valuable career advice you have ever received and often give to others?

Some of the most valuable advice I received early in my career was to care. I have taken this advice to heart because if a person truly cares about something, they will do a great job. Putting heart and soul into a project pays off, and the results reflect your passion. I love this advice. I advise others to care deeply about the projects and people they’re involved with. The effort will be evident in the outcome.

I also encourage people to pursue work they love. Don’t follow a mold or bend to what others think is acceptable. It’s essential to find something you love.
Victoria Markley with her dog

Victoria and her favorite colleague, Viva

Which of the FIRST values (focus, integrity, resourcefulness, skillfulness, teamwork) resonates with you most, and why?

I appreciate them all, but teamwork resonates most because I love contributing. Everything is better with multiple people’s thoughts, perspectives and expertise. Everyone’s perspective here at FSFP is so crucial. An idea might be fantastic, but then someone brings a fresh perspective and adds something. I love that feeling of “Oh my gosh, yes, that made it even better.” Teamwork is vital to what we do.

If you could work remotely anywhere, where would it be?

Italy and New Zealand are my favorite places in the world. I visit them often and enjoy going back. I may choose to live there or split my time between them. It can get scorching in New Orleans during the summer, and I can imagine spending six months in Italy and returning to New Orleans the rest of the year.

Can you tell us about a television show or movie that you love?

It’s called The Good Place. I’ve watched it several times, and the last episode always makes me cry (in a good way). It has the most peaceful and beautiful ending of any show. I highly recommend it. I watch it every 12 to 18 months as a good refresher.

What part of working at home do you find most enjoyable? Conversely, what do you find most challenging?

I love the flexibility of working remotely. As a triathlete, I can plan my workouts around my work schedule and the weather. Whether biking, running or swimming, it’s a great way to refresh my mind and stay productive. However, there are days when it’s challenging to stay focused because of all the flexibility. It’s a blessing and a curse at the same time.

We hope you enjoyed the latest installment in our Meet the Team series. Check out our other interviews to learn more about the people who make FSFP tick.