Data Management

Becoming a Data-Driven Organization — a Five-Step Process

A data-driven organization could be described as today’s Holy Grail, particularly for Chief Data Officers but also for other members of the C-Suite.

McKinsey Global Institute recently reported that data-driven organizations are 23 times more likely to acquire customers, six times as likely to retain those customers and 19 times as likely to be profitable as a result.

But changing an organization’s culture takes time and effort — and the process can be complex. (It doesn’t happen by announcing, “We have a new culture.”)

It’s important to understand the role of beliefs and behavior and how they impact culture. Our 13-page guide, Becoming a Data-Driven Organization, breaks the process into five components that drive results:

  • BELIEF: Vision – High-level, strategic statement of a goal
  • BELIEF: Purpose – Why you are executing your vision
  • BEHAVIOR: Picture – Future state and principles
  • BEHAVIOR: Plan – What Enterprise Information Management is facilitating and Enterprise and line of business roadmaps
  • BEHAVIOR: Participation – Who does what

Download Data-Driven Guide

The Vision, Purpose, Picture, Plan and Participation framework is adapted from William Bridges’ Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change.