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Data Governance

Are You Ready for Data Governance Software?


Corporate purchases of most any size require research, planning, justification and funding. Buying data governance software can add more “pre-work” to the mix, especially when senior leadership must sign off on something they may not fully understand.

The second article in my Tech Target “Buying Decisions” series, How to Know if Your Organization is Ready for Data Governance Software, offers several scenarios for how your organization might use governance software. They include:

  • Your organization is highly regulated.
  • You need to create a master data “golden copy.”
  • Your organization uses advanced analytics and big data technologies.

Understanding the scenario that fits your organization is key — so, too, is being able to communicate governance software’s business benefits in a consistent, compelling way. Doing so will afford you the best opportunity to garner understanding from leadership on what’s needed for your data governance program — and why.

You can find my first article in the Tech Target series, How Data Governance Software Helps Ensure the Integrity of Your Data, here. Then stay tuned for parts three and four where I dig deeper into data governance software features, comparing and contrasting what’s available in the market today.

— Originally written for Tech Target by John Ladley June 21, 2016

John Ladley is a business technology thought leader and recognized authority in all aspects of enterprise information management. He has 30 years’ experience in planning, project management, improving IT organizations and successful implementation of information systems and is a widely published author.