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Top 12 #FSFPtips Tweets


We like to follow Twitter hashtags to keep connected to industry peers tweeting about #DataGov, #EIM, #BigData, #IoT, et al. More than three years ago, we began sharing #FSFPtips on Twitter. It was a fun challenge to get our thoughts on enterprise information management distilled to a tweetable length — and we’ve been tweeting these tips ever since.

Recently, we went through our #FSFPtips tweets to date to see which ones had the most engagement from our @1stSanFrancisco followers and from those who follow hashtags. These are the top 12 tips tweets, based on the most retweets, replies, follows, likes, links and hashtag clicks:

#DataQuality is not about the perfect end state. It is a process that requires a strategy and ongoing analysis & monitoring. #FSFPtipsClick To Tweet

Hiring for role of #DataGovernance Lead? Choose someone who fully understands the org's political landscape #FSFPtipsClick To Tweet

Just like organizational inefficiency, poor #DataQuality can be costly in many ways across the org. #FSFPtipsClick To Tweet

When implementing a #datagovernance prog, make sure leaders are aligned. Mixed msgs can derail the forward progression of change. #FSFPtipsClick To Tweet

Don't treat #DataGovernance as a project - Embed it into your operations. #FSFPtipsClick To Tweet

Help ensure #DataGovernance is sustainable by integrating governance into project & new initiative approval processes. #FSFPtipsClick To Tweet

Avoid governing data in silos - Establish Enterprise #DataGovernance so people 'Think globally and act locally.' #FSFPtipsClick To Tweet

When developing #dataquality policies & practices, consider how they can be leveraged across the diff data domains of the org. #FSFPtipsClick To Tweet

When data is stuck in silos, orgs can't see the whole picture & business decisions will be based on incomplete info. #MDM #FSFPtipsClick To Tweet

Though IT may be the 1st to recognize need for #datagovernance, DG, data ownership & DQ accountability should end up w/ Business. #FSFPtipsClick To Tweet

Job 1 for a #datagov initiative? Set metrics & KPIs for people, processes & technology. #FSFPtipsClick To Tweet

#BigData projects tend to be driven by the need for insight. A #DataGov program must heed that need when setting priorities. #FSFPtipsClick To Tweet

Look for more #FSFPtips on @1stSanFrancisco — and connect with us there on Twitter, if you haven’t already.

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