news from FSFP

DATAVERSITY Announces Kelle O’Neal’s New Data Governance Training

OAKLAND, Calif., October 7, 2019 — Today, DATAVERSITY announced a new addition to its online courses and programs, the Next-Generation Data Governance Courses and Learning Plan, facilitated by instructor Kelle O’Neal.

The intermediate-level training program explains how an organization can take its existing data governance program to the next level, throughout seven individual courses. The content includes the role data governance plays in managing metadata; privacy and ethics concerns; data definitions and business glossaries, along with leveraging your data catalogs; and implementing techniques to ensure complete governance adoption.

Courses offered in this learning plan include:

  • Next-Generation Data Governance – What Has Changed?
  • Operating Models to Address Organizational Demand
  • Data Privacy and Ethics
  • Leveraging Metadata for Data Trust and Transparency
  • Best Practices for Data Definitions and a Business Glossary
  • Leveraging a Data Catalog to Create Trust in Data Sets
  • Organizational Change Management to Ensure Governance Adoption

Completion of all courses in Next-Generation Data Governance Learning Plan earns the participant a certificate of completion from DATAVERSITY.

You can learn more about this training program from DATAVERSITY. You’re welcome to use our FSFP code to save 20% on this training. (Find information on Kelle’s other DATAVERSITY training program here.)

About First San Francisco Partners

First San Francisco Partners is dedicated to the cost-effective delivery of integrated information management solutions that enable organizations to transform their operations and achieve outstanding business success. The company’s team of senior-level business and technology experts excel in working collaboratively with business stakeholders and IT departments to make informed decisions about enterprise information management planning and organizational alignment. FSFP helps organizations quickly identify ways to reduce risks, contain costs and increase operational efficiencies.

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