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FSFP’s Top 10 Blog Posts for 2016


We launched our First San Francisco Partners (FSFP) blog in April 2016 with much excitement here at our information management consulting firm. It’s not like our Founder and CEO Kelle O’Neal hadn’t been blogging before April. In fact, she regularly contributed to the Beye (Business Intelligence) Network and other sites, including and Data Informed.

Launching a blog on our dotcom turf gave us a home for Kelle’s insights on enterprise information management topics, as well as occasionally sharing what it’s like to be part of FSFP. (For example, we’re a virtual company with a woman at the helm.) We also showcase other voices on our blog, including articles from President and Chief Delivery Officer John Ladley and Chief Innovation Officer Malcolm Chisholm.

Looking back over the last nine months of our baby blog, we see the number of pageviews growing (thank you, Google Analytics!) — and more people sharing our articles on Twitter. (A shout-out to our 4,093 Twitter friends! If you’re not part of the pack, follow FSFP here.)

Since we’re all about analytics today, here’s what we found to be our most-read articles from 2016:

#10 – How We Work Remote (Kelle)
#9 – Ensuring the Quality of “Fit for Purpose” Data (John)
#8 – A Review of the Top Data Governance Tools (John)
#7 – Organizational Change Management: Get to the “Hard Stuff” and Make Your Case (Pam Thomas)
#6 – 5-Step Process to Align a Data-Driven Organization (Kelle)
#5 – CDO Vision Webinar Recap: A Chief Data Officer Interview (FSFP Team)
#4 – The Heart of FSFP: Our Vision, Mission and Values (Kelle)
#3 – Mastering and Managing Data Understanding (John)
#2 – New Data Governance Training Available at DATAVERSITY (Kelle)

And our number-one-most viewed article is:

#1 – Organizational Change Management: That “Soft” Stuff is Really the Hard Stuff (Pam)

This month, we were excited to soft-launch several new blog features which should improve the experience for our readers. One is the ability to sort articles by category (e.g., Master Data Management) and author (e.g., Kelle, John or Malcolm, et al).

Another is we now have a place for reader comments, and we do hope to be hearing feedback from you.

Looking forward to 2017, we’re planning new categories and topics to cover in 2017. We want to include even more timely and opinion-piece articles, like Malcolm’s recent Did Data Science Lose the U.S. Election? and Kelle’s Are Women Presenters (In)visible at Data Conferences? posts.

Do you happen to have a topic suggestion for us? We’d love to hear from you. (Email FSFP.)

Thanks for reading what we’re writing. We wish you the best in 2017!