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Our Top 10 Blog Posts for 2021


As 2021 comes to a close, we are looking back on our most popular blog articles for the year.

This year’s review reveals a mix of topics, including posts from our best practices for enterprise Collibra adoption series, our women in information management series and more.

Ready to find out which posts made the cut?

Top 10 Posts Published in 2021

Measure Impact and Progress for Collibra Adoption1. Measure Impact and Progress for Collibra Adoption – Supporting the adoption of Collibra with measurement means identifying and counting what really matters to the implementation stakeholders. Impact and progress metrics can work together to communicate expectations, value and progress.

Many of our clients reach out to us for help with navigating Collibra’s integration options and identifying the best way to adopt Collibra enterprise-wide. If you’re starting your journey to adopting Collibra, this article will be helpful.

Make Collibra Training Meaningful and Accessible

2. Make Collibra Training Meaningful and Accessible If your organization has invested in Collibra to enable data governance and metadata management, training will be a key success factor for user adoption. In this article, FSFP’s Becky Lyons shares her advice for making Collibra training meaningful and accessible.

As Collibra adoption becomes important to more and more organizations, it’s no surprise that our top two posts are part of our series of nine best practices for enterprise Collibra adoption.

FSFP Master Data Management Infosheet

Data definition conflict resolution process

3. Four Steps to Effectively Resolve Data Definitions Conflicts – Data lives at the intersection of an organization’s people, processes and systems. To truly resolve a conflict or misalignment, it’s highly likely there will need to be changes to your processes and the systems you use.

In this article, FSFP’s Gretchen Burnham addresses how to resolve data definition conflicts and essential takeaways from each step. For more information, read Gretchen’s related article on our blog, Four Guiding Principles for Resolving Data Conflicts, or download her ebook, A Practical Guide to Resolving Data Definition Conflicts: Principles, Process and Progress.

EDGO recap on Data Governance as a service4. EDGO Recap: Data Governance as an Enterprise Service – Earlier this year, CEO Kelle O’Neal spoke at Enterprise Governance Online (EDGO) about frameworks that establish data governance as an enterprise service, similar to how Human Resources and Finance function.

If you are interested in learning more about EDGO, explore each topic from the 2021 event and learn about the upcoming EDGO in 2022 on DATAVERSITY’s website.

Princples for data conflict resolution5. Four Guiding Principles for Resolving Data Conflicts – Similar to Four Steps to Remove Data Definitions Conflicts, this article focuses on four key principles that aid conflict resolution: avoid judgment, focus on the data, question the status quo and be pragmatic.

The resolution of data definition conflicts is a high-value activity for any organization. For more information, see the #3 article on this list or download our ebook, A Practical Guide to Resolving Data Definition Conflicts: Principles, Process and Progress.

Business value of data governance6. Business Value Drives “Organic” Data Governance – Many organizations struggle with finding the business value of data governance. What if data governance were to happen to the organization without it realizing it? Imagine planting the governance seed and watching it organically grow and flourish, further spreading additional seeds.

In this article, FSFP’s Kate Pingel addresses how to make data governance a non-event that provides trust, reliability and efficiencies for the data consumers.

7. Defining Cloud Data GovernanceHow to define cloud data governance – When we talk about cloud data governance, what exactly do we mean? Is it the same as cloud governance or data governance in the cloud? Cloud data governance is essential to creating a framework that is accurate and actionable.

FSFP senior consultant Stephanie Paradis shares her thoughts on the topic of cloud data governance in this popular article.

8. Career Advice from Women in Information ManagementCareer advice from women in information management – What career advice would you give to your younger self? We asked the women at First San Francisco Partners this questions, and they responded with advice about how to handle bad days, trusting your gut, knowing your worth and more.

Read this article for advice from the women who make up FSFP.

9. Data Literacy 2.0 as an Organizational CapabilityWhat is data literacy – As an organizational capability, data literacy can truly drive efficiency and effectiveness as it develops a shared understanding and collective skill-set across the organization.

While Data Literacy 2.0 might sound like a lofty goal, it’s within your reach. Focus on meaningful competencies and an understanding of the human side of change and you will get there. This primer article is a great place to start.

Cloud Data Governance10. Why Data Governance Should be Part of your Journey to the Cloud – To ensure a sustainable, compliant, scalable and cost-effective cloud approach that provides lasting business value, data governance needs to be part of every cloud journey.

Whether you’re considering migrating to the cloud or you’re already there, this article provides data governance and data management best practices and key considerations to keep in mind.

Want to Keep in Touch in 2022?

We hope you enjoyed our recap of the most popular data management posts on our blog in 2021. We’re excited for all that’s in store for 2022. If you’d like to stay in the loop and get updates each month from First San Francisco Partners, here’s where you can sign up.


Article contributed by Callie Kinnan